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The number of organisations adopting the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures’ (TNFD) reporting recommendations has increased by 30 per cent since January, the initiative has revealed.

The additional 96 organisations brought the total number of companies committed to disclosing their material nature-related issues to investors and other stakeholders based on TNFD recommendations to 416

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Purposeful run-on
Laura Blows discusses purposeful run-on for DB schemes with Isio director, actuarial and consulting, Matt Brown, in Pensions Age’s latest video interview
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DB risks
Laura Blows discusses DB risks with Aon UK head of retirement policy, Matthew Arends, and Aon UK head of investment, Maria Johannessen, in Pensions Age's latest video interview

Keeping on track
In the latest Pensions Age podcast, Sophie Smith talks to Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) principal, Chris Curry, about the latest pensions dashboards developments, and the work still needed to stay on track
Building investments in a DC world
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