Aon launches responsible investment tool for global institutional investors

Aon has launched an enhanced responsible investment solution, RI-360i, which aims to provide institutional investors with better insights into their portfolios and enable them to make better decisions.

The solution also includes effective risk management as well as alignment with goals and ambitions such as net-zero, as reported by our sister title, Insurance Asset Management.

Aon senior responsible investment consultant, Craig Campbell, said: “Sustainability issues represent financial risks for investors. The ability to track and monitor these issues is key to preserving asset values and delivering ambitions.

"As investors navigate new forms of volatility, heightened regulatory and public scrutiny also bring reputational risks.

“In line with their values and ambitions, many asset owners have established specific responsible investment goals and priorities. With that, there is now a need for a clear and concise overview of investment portfolios and how they compare with where stakeholders want to get to.

"Aon’s RI-360i enables investors to embed their values and goals into portfolios by providing better insights about the sustainability issues, including climate-risk that may exist with their investments.”

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