Barnett Waddingham launches new technology suite

Barnett Waddingham (BW) has announced the launch of Clarity from BW, a technology suite designed to allow users to access their data and obtain more actionable insights within a secure digital environment.

Designed to help clients to make smarter and more informed choices, the platform encompasses three distinct tranches tailored to the specific needs of their client base: Clarity Analyse, Clarity Connect, and Clarity Control.

Backed by high levels of authentication and verification, Clarity provides pension scheme members with an accessible one-stop location to digitally manage all aspects of their pension - whilst trustees of pension schemes are also expected to benefit from the uplift to their online services.

The "transformative initiative" is expected to enhance the experience of those who engage with Barnet Waddingham's online services and is part of the firm's commitment to invest in the development of its technology offering.

Commenting on the launch, Barnett Waddingham managing partner for strategic business solutions, Sam Meldrum, said: “In an increasingly complex world of data, the services that sit within Clarity from BW help cut through the noise and deliver insights with greater efficiency and speed.

"These insights, alongside our expert consultancy, aid smarter decision-making for all parties.

“We are seeing the benefits of Clarity from BW already, with clients welcoming the increased sense of security they feel when using our platforms.”

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