Broadstone launches dedicated insurance, regulatory and risk advisory division

Broadstone has launched its standalone insurance, regulatory & risk advisory division.

This dedicated proposition will service the life and non-life insurance sector including the Lloyds and London market, in addition to redress solutions and credit risk, financial modelling and data analytics services.

Furthermore, the new division will sit alongside Broadstone’s existing pensions advisory and administration and employee benefits consulting verticals.

Broadstone chief executive, Tony Gusmao, commented: “We see the insurance and risk markets as an exciting opportunity for Broadstone to diversity its offering in complementary markets which require the same skill sets.

"Through the acquisitions of OAC and Vestigo we have set out our strategy to add specialism, expertise and experience to our capabilities in this space, and position the platform for further organic and acquisitive growth.”

This article originally appeared on our sister title, Insurance Asset Management.

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