Chubb pension schemes agree £1bn buy-in with Standard Life

The Chubb Pension Plan and the Chubb Security Pension Fund, both of which are sponsored by subsidiaries of APi Group Corporation, have completed a £1bn buy-in with Standard Life.

The deal covers the retirement benefits for around 14,000 members of both schemes.

Barnett Waddingham acted as lead actuarial and investment advisers for the transaction, while legal advice was provided to both sets of trustees by CMS.

Commenting on the deal, Chubb Pension Plan and Chubb Security Pension Fund trustee board chairman, Brian McGowan, said: “We are delighted to have partnered with Standard Life to provide long term security and financial certainty for all members.

“On behalf of the trustees, I would like to thank our advisors Barnett Waddingham and CMS for their advice and to thank the sponsoring employer for their support. The various teams worked together extremely well to secure this complicated deal.”

Adding to this, Standard Life senior business development manager, Matt Richards, highlighted the deal as a “smooth and efficient transaction” that enabled the schemes to successfully de-risk in an uncertain economic environment, emphasising the role of collaboration in this.

“Throughout the transaction process there has been an open and collaborative approach between all parties, which has been key to the success of this transaction which we are delighted to have completed with the trustees,” he stated.

“Having prepared well, and being willing to move quickly, the trustees were able to ensure a favourable outcome for their members.”

Echoing this, Barnett Waddingham partner, Simon Bramwell, also stressed the importance of collaboration and preparation in securing the deal, stating: “We are very proud to have advised the trustees on these sizeable and complex buy-ins.

“This could not have been achieved without the significant amount of preparatory work carried out by the trustees and the efforts of all parties working closely together to get the best result for both schemes.”

CMS partner, Amanda Chamming, added: “We are delighted to have advised the trustees on this transaction with Standard Life.

“Collaboration with Barnett Waddingham, Standard Life and all other parties involved was a key element to delivering the buy-ins on time in such a busy market. It’s really pleasing to secure such a positive outcome for members of the schemes.”

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