Court hearing for ex-Norton Motorcycles boss postponed

The court hearing for ex-Norton Motorcycles boss, Stuart Garner, has been postponed to Monday 7 February 2022 at Derby Magistrates’ Court.

Originally, the court hearing for the pension fraud case was due to take place on Monday 15 November.

Garner is being prosecuted for illegally investing money into his business from three pension schemes for which he was the sole trustee.

He is accused of breaching employer-related investment rules by investing more than 5 per cent of assets from each scheme into his business, Norton Motorcycle Holdings Ltd.

The three defined contribution schemes, Dominator 2012, Commando 2012 and Donnington MC, have a total of 227 scheme members.

The delay in his court hearing was confirmed by The Pensions Regulator (TPR) today (12 November) in an operational note.

A pension scam complaint was upheld by The Pensions Ombudsman (TPO) in June 2020, with Garner ordered to repay all the money he invested into his own firm from the schemes.

Garner was refused permission to appeal against TPO’s direction to repay £14m into the pension schemes in December 2020.

He has been charged with three separate employer-related investment offences under section 40(5) of the Pensions Act 1995, one in relation to each scheme.

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