DWP confirms appointment of Dominic Harris as next Ombudsman

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has confirmed the appointment of Dominic Harris as the next pensions ombudsman.

Harris will take on the role from 16 January 2023, with the current pensions ombudsman, Anthony Arter, to remain in post until 15 January 2023.

Currently, he is a partner in the pensions team at CMS, and also serves as chair of the Association of Pension Lawyers' Investment and Defined Contribution Committees.

Harris was recently approved by the Work and Pensions Committee following a pre-appointment hearing, having initially been announced as the preferred candidate for the role in July 2022.

As ombudsman, Harris will investigate and determine pension complaints, investigate and determine dispute concerning the Pension Protection Fund, as well as working with The Pensions Ombudsman board to set strategic direction for the organisation.

Commenting on the appointment, Pensions Minister, Guy Opperman, stated: "I am pleased to announce Dominic Harris as the new pensions ombudsman and wish to express my thanks to Anthony for his service in the role. Dominic’s previous experience makes him the ideal candidate to lead the service."

Adding to this, Harris stated: "I am delighted to be appointed as the new pensions ombudsman.

"The ombudsman has a key role to play in ensuring access to justice in the pensions arena, and I am proud to be able to continue the good work of Anthony and his team at the organisation."

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