Dominic Harris named as preferred candidate for next pensions ombudsman

Dominic Harris is the preferred candidate for the role of pensions ombudsman and Pension Protection Fund ombudsman, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has announced.

The appointment is subject to a pre-appointment hearing by the Work and Pensions Select Committee, which will take place on Wednesday 13 July 2022 as the term of the current pensions ombudsman, Anthony Arter, is due to expire at the end of this month.

Harris is currently a partner in the pensions team at law firm CMS and also serves as chair of the Investment and Defined Contribution Committee of the Association of Pension Lawyers.

The hearing will examine Harris’s suitability for the post and test his professional competency and personal independence.

The pensions ombudsman is responsible for the impartial and independent investigation and determination of complaints and disputes about how occupational and personal pension schemes are run.

Following the session, the committee will publish a short report making recommendations to the DWP on the candidate’s suitability for the role.

The role of pensions ombudsman is a public appointment made by the Secretary of State for the DWP and the appointment process has been made an open competition regulated by The Office for the Commissioner of Public Appointments.

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