European Pensions Awards: Deadline extended for entries

Due to overwhelming demand, the deadline for entering the European Pensions Awards has been extended to 29 March 2024.

Celebrating their 17th successful year, the European Pensions Awards were launched to give recognition to and honour the investment firms, consultancies and pension providers across Europe that have set the professional standards in order to best serve European pension funds over the past year.

Never before has the European pensions landscape seen such dynamism and vigour as pension schemes, alongside their advisers, asset managers, technology partners, administration and communication specialists strive to meet the needs of their members in an unpredictable world, all against a backdrop of changing regulation and uncertain market conditions.

The awards are free to enter and are open to any pension fund or firm that serves European pension funds. The winners will be announced at a gala dinner, hosted by comedian Maisie Adam, on Thursday 4 July 2024 at the London Marriott Hotel in Grosvenor Square.

View the full list of categories or submit your entry here.

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