The Female Forum launches Pensions Chapter

The Female Forum has launched its first industry-specific initiative, the Pensions Chapter, aimed at creating a strategic network for female professionals within the pensions industry.

The network aims to provide an opportunity for female leaders in the pensions industry to discuss industry-specific themes in an intimate and collaborative environment.

LCP, Janus Henderson Investors and Sackers were named as corporate partners for the Pension Chapter.

The Female Forum, which is headquartered in London with members across industries, backgrounds, and countries, was founded in 2022 with the goal of providing a forum dedicated to professional women who want to connect, learn, and collaborate with professionals across company silos.

Commenting on the launch of the Pensions Chapter, The Female Forum founder and CEO Nora Stolz, commented: “Our purpose at The Female Forum is to create a professional world female leaders can believe in and thrive.

“The launch of the Pension Chapter is the first in our industry collaboration programme, and what an industry to start with! It’s full of knowledgeable and vibrant women working on often complex and multifaceted issues.”

Adding to this, Sackers partner, Eleanor Daplyn, said: “We are delighted to be supporting the Female Forum as a corporate partner.

"Sackers is a diverse and inclusive firm, but we recognise that not all firms have the same mindset and that there is much more that we can do as an industry to drive positive change. We look forward to working with The Female Forum as part of that process.”

Janus Henderson investors director of institutional business, Charley Smith, also stressed the importance of having a forum for women in the pensions industry to encourage and challenge each other.

“I’m thrilled that, as a firm, we are supporting the Pension Chapter and helping to bring together a community of interesting and influential women across different roles within the industry,” Smith added.

LCP partner, Nathalie Sims, added: “It was a privilege for LCP to host the inaugural event.

"We had an open and frank conversation about a wide range of issues around governance and diversity, and it was inspiring to be in a room fizzing with so much energy and intelligence.”

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