Fiona Dunsire appointed as Government Actuary

Fiona Dunsire has been appointed as the new Government Actuary on a five-year fixed term appointment, making her the first female Government Actuary since the creation of the role in 1917.

Dunsire has 35 years of actuarial experience in the private sector, where she has held a variety of roles across pensions and investments, including as Mercer UK CEO from 2012 to 2019.

She has also been a fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries since 1993.

Dunsire will take up the role following the retirement of Martin Clarke, who has been the in the role since 2014, later in 2023.

Commenting on her appointment, Dunsire stated: “The Government Actuary’s Department (GAD) has a long and proud history of producing high quality actuarial analysis across the public sector for over 100 years. I am delighted to be appointed to the role of Government Actuary.

"I look forward to leading the department over the coming years and continue to broaden its impact in helping to address the multigenerational issues we face as a society”.

Adding to this, Clarke stated: "It has been a privilege to lead the GAD for over nine years. I warmly congratulate Fiona on her appointment as the new Government Actuary and wish her well in the role”.

Clarke was also recently recognised in the King’s Birthday Honours List 2023 for his time in public service, having been appointed a Companion of the Order of the Bath.

The Government Actuary is the principal actuarial adviser to the government, leading the GAD and acting as its Accounting Officer.

The GAD provides actuarial advice and support to the government and public sector to help understand and analyse financial risk and uncertainty for a wide range of contemporary issues, including pension valuations, insurance and social security.

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