GAD partners with AI company on pension quality assurance checks

The Government Actuary’s Department (GAD) has partnered with an artificial intelligence (AI) company on work to develop coding to perform quality assurance (QA) checks on pension administrators’ calculations.

As part of the project, the two will be working to fine tune a large language model so that it can solve a specific problem.

In particular, the model will be designed to read and interpret regulations and use these to write code that can perform quality assurance checks on pension administrator calculations.

Gad head of the analytical solutions team, Chris Daniels, said: “This partnership will enable us to enhance our AI skills so that we can help our clients solve complex problems in an efficient manner.”

The new tool will add to GAD’s existing suite of data science expertise, which uses programming languages to produce results for clients.

Previous examples of this work include devising a modeller to support clients as they work towards equalising pensions for their members, and creating a ‘retirement calculator’ to help public service pension scheme members following the McCloud legal ruling.

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