Guy Opperman reappointed to DWP

Former Pensions Minister Guy Opperman has confirmed his return to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) under Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government.

Writing on Twitter today, 27 October, Opperman stated that he was “delighted to be appointed by HM the King as Minister of State at DWP in the PM’s new government".

"Lots of work to do and I look forward to working with the new Secretary of State Mel Stride," he added.

Guy Opperman had left the role of Pensions Minister on 8 September, following then Prime Minister, Liz Truss’s, ministerial reshuffle.

He was replaced by Alex Burghart, who, after much speculation, was confirmed as Minister for Pensions and Growth on 12 October.

However, Burghart has now been moved to the Cabinet Office, where he will be a Parliamentary Secretary.

Opperman became the longest serving Pensions Minister on 11 June 2022, having surpassed Steve Webb's total of 1,822 days.

Opperman resigned from his role on 7 July 2022 amid mass resignations in government over Boris Johnson's Prime Ministership, before being reinstated the following day after Johnson's resignation.

Alongside Opperman, Tom Pursglove has also appointed as a Minister of State in the DWP, while Laura Trott and Mims Davies have been appointed as Parliamentary Under Secretaries in the department.

Their specific ministerial roles are yet to be announced.

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