Growing interest in Pension Awareness campaign

Nearly 27,000 people have signed up for the Pension Awareness live shows so far in 2022, up 50 per cent on 2021, Pension Geeks has revealed.

The Pension Awareness website has also reached over 250,000 views, ahead of its launch on 31 October.

The campaign, which is now in its ninth year, was previously put on hold as a mark of respect following the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, with events now scheduled to run from 31 October to 4 November.

As part of this, consumers will be able to access free and impartial shows on various pension and money topics, such as explainers on why pensions had a particularly hard time in the wake of the mini budget, how much pension is enough, and how to find lost pension pots.

The Pension Awareness initiative is also being supported by the cross-industry Pension Attention campaign, which is fronted by Grime artist Big Zuu.

Co-founder of the Pension Awareness campaign, Rachel Parkinson, commented: “At its core Pension Awareness is about giving people practical and meaningful help with their pension and money, and in the face of volatile markets and increased living costs that families are currently battling against, it’s never been more important to provide straight forward information to help the public make informed decisions about their money.”

“The live online shows and the information we’re providing within the Pension Awareness website will cover everything from pensions to personal finances and money tips, so I’d encourage everyone to have a look around the platform and to get involved with the live shows. Our team of experts will be ready and waiting to help.”

Pension Attention campaign manager, Sarah Cordey, added: "“With the help of Big Zuu we’ve been making everyone aware of the value of finding some time to check in on their workplace pensions.

"A pension is your money from your hard work, so it’s worth keeping an eye on. We’ve been setting out the basic steps people can take to ensure they know where their money is and how it’s doing, and these live shows from our friends the Pension Geeks come at the perfect time for anyone who’s got questions and would like a little more support.”

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