Irish Pensions Awards 2022: Winners announced

The winners of the 11th annual Irish Pensions Awards were announced on Thursday night at the highly anticipated gala dinner at 5* Shelbourne Hotel Dublin.

As reported by our sister publication, European Pensions, the awards, now in their 11th successful year, were launched to give well-deserved recognition to those pension funds, providers and pension professionals who have displayed excellence, professionalism and dedication to maintaining high standards of Irish pension provision over the past year.

They recognised the winners and nominees who strived to maintain the highest quality of service in everything they do, despite the challenging economic and political landscape they find themselves operating in.

Hosted by comedian Paddy Raff, the packed room witnessed the in-person awards for those excelling in the Irish pensions space.

Congratulations to all of the winners and we look forward to another spectacular event in 2023!

To view the awards and find out the winners, click here.

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