Jonathan Ashworth named as Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary

Jonathan Ashworth has been named as Labour’s new Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary following a reshuffle of the shadow cabinet.

Ashworth replaces Jonathan Reynolds, who has been moved to the role of Shadow Business Secretary.

Reynolds held the position between 6 April 2020 and 29 November 2021.

Commenting on his appointment on Twitter, Ashworth said he was “excited” to be taking on the role.

“With child poverty rising, in-work poverty endemic, lack of meaningful support for people with disabilities, and often a raw deal for pensioners this is a huge agenda and Labour will lead the campaign,” he stated.

Ashworth was moved from his position as Shadow Health Secretary to become the new Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, with Wes Streeting taking Ashworth’s previous job.

He will be shadowing incumbent Work and Pensions Secretary, Thérèse Coffey, who welcomed Ashworth to his new job, stating that the two have a “shared mission to improve the quality of life for millions of people in this country”.

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