KGM pension scheme completes £4m buyout with Just Group

The KGM Pension and Life Assurance Scheme has completed a £4m full-scheme buyout with Just Group, covering 14 deferred and 10 pensioner members.

Bulk annuity and consolidator advisory business K3 Advisory, in partnership with actuary and consultant Cartwright, supported the trustees in completing the deal.

Legal advice was provided to the trustees by Reed Smith.

KGM Pension and Life Assurance Scheme chair of trustees, Barbara Turner, said that, with Cartwright’s assistance, the scheme was able to act on an opportunity and secure a bulk annuity policy with Just at short notice.

“We received a highly competitive price due to the thorough preparation that took place to ensure our scheme was well positioned to enter the market, coupled with Cartwright and K3’s excellent reputation with insurers,” she continued.

“We were especially impressed by Cartwright's ability to expedite and execute this project with remarkable speed and efficiency.”

Just Group head of defined benefit sales, Pete Jennings, argued that all schemes, if prepared the right way, had the right to purchase a bulk annuity with an insurer.

“We know that any scheme brought to us by K3 and Cartwright has been properly prepared and is ready to go, which aids us in providing a quality quote,” he added.

“Utilising our innovative bulk quotation service provided transaction certainty and meant the process was easy and efficient, allowing us to complete in a timely manner, securing the best outcome for members.

“Our commitment to working with schemes of all sizes is demonstrated here and we are delighted to have been selected by the trustees for this mandate.”

K3 Advisory managing director, Adam Davis, commented: “What we seek to demonstrate at K3 is no matter where on the scale of size you sit, as a pension fund, it should not be reflective or aligned in any way with the opportunities available to you, or the high-quality service you should expect.

“We pride ourselves on our work in getting small schemes to market, getting a great deal and, most importantly, securing members’ hard-earned benefits. This deal was no different, working closely with Cartwright we were able to move the scheme into a position to be able to transact quickly and efficiently - a testament to all involved.”

Cartwright senior investment consultant, Martin Mercer, noted that for any sized scheme, the key was being ready and making sure that data is in proper shape for transacting.

“Getting this done will ensure you are able to seize an opportunity at the most favourable time – which may not be as challenging as some schemes may think,” he said.

“Our partnership with K3 allows the small schemes we work with to achieve their ideal outcomes. We are seeing more and more approaches by schemes who recognise the fortunate funding position they are now in and are keen to capitalise on that. We encourage schemes to not be put off – they may be pleasantly surprised.”

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