Landscape announces merger with Making Giants

Digital communications agency Landscape has merged with creative agency Making Giants, after following “several years” on parallel paths in the financial wellbeing, pensions and benefit communications world.

The merger is expected to enhance the group's existing offering in this area, as well as strengthen expertise in other areas, such as property marketing.

Announcing the merger, Making Giants explained that the focus over the next few months will be on combining the two companies services, with a particular focus on content, technology and creative thinking.

Commenting on the merger, Landscape joint founder and creative director, Ryan Sales, stated: “Landscape have long admired MakingGiants, and Ferrier Pearce before that from afar.

“Nigel and his team have a highly regarded and established presence in both financial wellbeing and property. Coupled with Landscape’s digital expertise and creative thinking, we believe our clients will benefit from more innovation and better engagement through our focus on evidence-based research.

“Our services are complementary, as are our values and culture. We’re extremely excited about the future direction of Landscape as this presents a fantastic opportunity to grow as we develop a truly market-leading proposition.”

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