Maps CEO resigns after eight months

The Money and Pensions Service (Maps) chief executive officer, John Govett, has resigned eight months into his four-and-a-half-year term.

Maps chair Hector Sants announced yesterday (10 June) that Govett had decided to leave due to an “impending family relocation”, just two months after the official launch of the service.

Maps partnerships and commissioning director, Caroline Siarkiewicz, has been appointed acting chief executive while the board conducts a search for a permanent replacement.

Govett, who joined the then Single Financial Guidance Body (SFGB) in October 2018, was responsible for integrating Pensions Wise, the Money Advice Service and The Pensions Advisory Service and helped to develop the ‘transitional business plan’ for 2019/20.

In a statement, Sants said: “We regret to announce that our CEO John Govett has resigned from his role with the Maps due to an impending family relocation.

“John and I have agreed that the production of the national strategy should be overseen by those who will have the responsibility for delivering it. John’s family relocation will mean he is unable to make that long-term commitment to Maps, and so now is the best time for any change.”

Govett’s previous experience includes leadership roles across the public, private and charitable sectors including as group chief executive at Ixion Holdings, a not-for-profit skills and employment group of companies, managing director of Surrey County Council, Shaw Trust Charity Board Executive and P&O Ferries commercial board director.

Siarkiewicz roles will be effective as of 14 June.

Maps strategy and insights director, Sarah Porretta and chief financial officer, Steve Buckingham, will be directly accountable to the board for the national strategy and three-year corporate strategy, due in November.

Sants concluded: “I would like to thank John for his huge personal effort to help bring together our three legacy organisations into one new one. We have made excellent progress under John and we are set for the future as a result. I will personally be sorry to see him leave us.”

Govett commented: “I’ve been engaged in the Maps project for around a year nw and I’m so proud of the positive position the organisation has reached, enabling me to leave everything in a good position.

I have enjoyed immensely working with Hector Sants, and now feels like the right time to hand over the baton to a future CEO who can make the longer-term commitment necessary to deliver the national strategy that my relocation prevents me from doing.”

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