Nest appoints Helen Dean as CEO

Nest has appointed Helen Dean as its new chief executive officer, it has announced.

Dean, who will take on the role in the autumn, is currently Nest’s executive director for product and marketing. Dean will replace Tim Jones, who announced in February he was going to step down in order to develop a global digital money product.

“Under Tim Jones’ leadership we’ve built very strong foundations so far and I’m looking forward to building on those to help Nest to tackle the next stages of auto enrolment,” Dean said.

Nest chair Otto Thoresen said it is fantastic news that someone with Dean’s background and experience has been appointed as CEO.

“The next few years are going to be critical ones in terms of ensuring auto-enrolment goes smoothly for small and micro businesses. Helen’s frontline experience of the challenges we face will be invaluable in helping Nest to navigate that journey,” he added.

Pensions Minister Ros Altmann said Dean has played a “pivotal role” in shaping, developing and implementing the Nest pension scheme to support the automatic enrolment programme.

“Over the next two years, Nest’s focus will be on the hundreds of thousands of small and micro employers that will begin to enrol their workers into pension schemes, many of whom will choose Nest,” she added.

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