News in brief - 19 April 2024

Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM) has expanded its exchange-traded fund (ETF) range with the launch of the L&G Energy Transition Commodities ETF.

Highlighted as a market first, the fund aims to provide investors access to three commodity groups central to the energy transition, including transition groups, lower-carbon transition energy sources, and carbon pricing. The fund will invest in 18 liquid commodities in a diversified and liquid manner, with over 50 per cent of the firm’s constituents not typically found in traditional commodity portfolios. The fund will be available to both wholesale and institutional investors.

Macquarie Green Energy and Climate Opportunities Fund has announced plans to acquire a portfolio of six solar, wind, energy storage, and natural climate solutions investments.

The portfolio consists of investments in six companies and projects across the Americas, Asia-Pacific, and Europe, including Treaty Oak Clean Energy, Aula Energy, Blueleaf Energy, Outer Dowsing, and Forliance. Macquarie Asset Management’s Green Investments team has been developing the portfolio since 2018 and it represents 17+ GW of green energy capacity in development, construction, and operations.

The Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI) has released the latest annual update to its Mortality Projections Model, CMI 2023.

The model, which is used by UK pension schemes and insurance companies, produces cohort life expectancies at age 65 that are roughly five weeks lower for males and two weeks lower for females than in the previous CMI model, although these changes are much smaller than the shift seen in 2021 to 2022. The CMI noted that standardised mortality rates in England and Wales have fallen each year since 2020, pointing out that while mortality in 2023 was the third lowest on the record, it remains above projections from versions of the CMI model before the pandemic. It also noted that mortality in the first quarter of 2024 has been relatively low, comparable to the start of 2019, which remains the lowest year on record. The CMI has placed a 15 per cent weight on the data for 2022 to 2023 when calibrating CMI 2023.

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