News in brief - 29 January 2021

Raindrop has launched a new fully digital, flexible pension platform for self-employed workers.

The solution is designed specifically for the self-employed and was developed by Marco Ross, Phil Fortio, Raul Tudor and Vivan Shridharani. The Raindrop leadership team was advised by Raj Mody and Nic Lenz. Raindrop offers investment options which allow users to choose a pension plan carefully designed to be invested in a way that meets their desired retirement date. In addition, Raindrop provides a pension AI bot service which can assist with finding old pensions.

The Pensions Management Institute (PMI) has formalised and expanded its Mentoring & Development Programme.

The programme, delivered in conjunction with the Institute of Leadership and Management and sponsored by The People’s Pension, was initially launched in March 2020 with 20 pairs of mentors and mentees. It has now expanded that to 50 pairs, with plans for further expansion in the future. The new programme will run from March 2021 to March 2022 and will see individuals assigned to mentors based on their profile and development needs. Throughout the year, mentors and mentees will have the opportunity to connect, with meetings taking place at least once every two months. 

River and Mercantile have announced it is establishing an infrastructure investment business.

The business will, over time, launch a range of infrastructure strategies. River and Mercantile has appointed former Aviva Investors head of infrastructure equity, Ian Berry, to lead the project. The first infrastructure investment initiative at River and Mercantile will be the launch of an Infrastructure Equity Income Fund which will focus on delivering long term, stable cash flows to institutional clients through investing in long-life infrastructure. The firm said that environmental, social and governance factors will sit “at the heart” of the investment strategy.

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