Non-AE employee growth outpacing AE worker growth

The number of auto-enrolled (AE) employees rose by 12,000 in September, although this was outpaced by faster growth amongst non-enrolled workers, according to data from The Pensions Regulator (TPR).

The regulator’s latest Automatic enrolment declaration of compliance report showed that a total of 10,360,000 workers are now auto-enrolled.

Despite continued growth amongst AE workers, there were an additional 25,000 workers eligible but not saving into a workplace scheme in September.

This compares with an increase of 17,000 in August, and 21,000 in June and July.

Whilst the growth in AE workers during September remained on a par with the previous month, August figures had shown a slowing in the increase of AE workers, with 12,000 auto-enrolled during the month compared to 23,000 in July and 14,000 in June.

The number of employers who confirmed the completion of their declaration of compliance in August increased by 13,996 to 1,730,494.

This outpaced the growth seen in August of 10,771, as well as the increases of 13,953 and 11,773 seen in June and July respectively.

The figures are compiled from information submitted by employers when they complete their declaration of compliance with auto-enrolment.

TPR said the figure for AE jobholders was likely to be higher than that shown in the report, as some employers will have reached their duties start date and automatically enrolled their eligible employees without having completed their declaration.

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