PDP announces alpha testing dashboard providers

The Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) has selected Aviva, Bud and Moneyhub as the three commercial dashboard providers it will work with during its initial testing phase.

The programme will work with the three organisations, as well as the Money and Pension Service’s non-commercial dashboard, to support the early work on design standards and technology.

The initial alpha test phase will run from six months from December 2021, as scheduled, with PDP helping the chosen providers prepare to connect their dashboards to the central digital architecture.

The selected providers will then help refine the onboarding process, as well as taking part in end-to-end testing of the system, which will help improve its functionality.

The three providers were selected to represent a range of different types of organisations that are likely to enter the future dashboard provider market, including an insurer, an open banking platform and an open data fintech, in an effort to understand these organisations different needs and processes.

Commenting on the selection, PDP head of product, Raman Dhaliwal, said: “We are delighted that we received such a positive response from organisations intending to supply pensions dashboards.

“We look forward to working closely with Aviva, Bud and Moneyhub, as well as the Money and Pensions Service dashboard team, as we move into our alpha testing phase.

"We will work with them to develop and refine the standards and systems for pensions dashboards, so that we can provide a dashboard service that benefits consumers.“

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