PA Scotland Conference: PDP set to publish dashboards standards ‘in the coming days’

The Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) is set to publish its pensions dashboards standards “in the coming days”, PDP principal, Chris Curry, has said.

Speaking at the Pensions Age Scotland Conference, Curry noted that the programme had needed to wait until the dashboards regulations were laid in parliament, which took place on 17 October, before being able to publish the standards.

The standards are expected to outline the technical and operational detail underpinning primary and secondary legislation, and the requirements for all pension providers and dashboards connecting to the ecosystem.

“One of the big responsibilities alongside the design and managing the build of the central digital architecture is setting the standards for pensions dashboards,” Curry stated.

“These standards come alongside the primary and secondary legislation, which set out what has to be done, and the standards set out how to do it. It’s kind of the guidelines for how people operate the system.

“We consulted on those over the summer, it closed on 30 August. It says up here the standards will be published in the coming months, I would say that’s more likely to be the coming days. We’re really close to those being published.”

While the PDP will publish the standards shortly, they cannot be signed into law until the regulations have passed through parliament.

Curry said that the PDP believed it was important that it published the standards as early as possible to give the industry as much notice as possible of what the standards are going to say so they can start to work out what this means for them and how they will connect to the central digital architecture going forward.

“Alongside those standards we also did a call for input on the design standards,” Curry continued.

“The design standards are about what goes onto pensions dashboards and how that information is displayed. We had a little bit more time to do that, which is why we did a call or input at this stage.

“We will be consulting and putting out a consultation document with our proposals for how the standards will operate.

“We’re going that alongside the draft regulations, which the FCA is responsible for, on how to become a qualified pensions dashboards service provider. All those will be coming before the end of the year.”

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