PMI appoints Paragon as communications Insight Partner

The Pensions Management Institute (PMI) has appointed Paragon as an Insight Partner to support pension schemes in improving their member communications.

Paragon is a provider of outsourced solutions to help ‘transform’ business services, with operations in more than 30 countries and a turnover of €1.2bn.

Its Insight Partnership with the PMI will see Paragon providing insight and expertise to PMI members.

Through the partnership, the business solution provider will impart messaging through various mediums, including email campaigns, editorial content, case studies, and speaking engagements at both in-person events and webinars.

The PMI said that its partnerships support innovation on current, pertinent issues and add value through the delivery of specialist knowledge.

Paragon and the PMI’s partnership will be available to pension scheme members from across the UK.

Commenting on the announcement, Paragon Customer Communications business line CEO, Dave Reynolds, said the firm was “delighted” to be partnering with the PMI.

“With our long-standing success in the investment and savings industry, we recognise both the importance and challenge on workplace pension schemes to communicate and engage effectively with members, helping to make the right decision at the right time and in the right way,” he continued.

“Through our multi-channel and data-driven technology, we look forward to bringing new ideas and innovation to the pension communications landscape, helping to improve retirement outcomes for all members in an ageing population.”

PMI CEO, Gareth Tancred, added: “We have been looking for a suitable communications Insight Partner for quite some time. We’re delighted that Paragon has joined us to help pension schemes better engage with their members and provide expertise on creating frictionless customer journeys.

“Paragon is an ideal choice due to its long-standing expertise within the pensions industry, and we look forward to working with them in championing professional development throughout the sector.”

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