Pension fraud suspect extradited to UK

A 61-year-old man has been extradited from Spain to the UK in connection with a £13.7m pension fraud case, brought about by The Pensions Regulator (TPR).

Alan Barratt, from Althorne in Essex, was arrested in Alicate, Spain, for his suspected role in in persuading 245 savers to transfer their pension savings totalling £13.7m into 11 pension schemes.

The pension schemes were allegedly controlled by Barratt and his co-defendants: 65-year-old Susan Dalton, from Rochdale, and 56-year-old Julian Hanson, from Batley.

Barratt was arrested under a European Arrest Warrant issued by Westminster Magistrates’ Court, then extradited to the UK.

This is the first time TPR has worked with police on the extradition of a suspect.

Barratt appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on 20 March, where he was released on conditional bail, with the conditions including to remain in the UK and surrender his passport.

The case was adjourned until 13 April at Westminster Magistrates’ Court, when it is expected the case will be sent to the Crown Court.  

Dalton first appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on 8 January having been arrested on warrant., while Hanson appeared on summons on 29 January.

None of the defendants have entered a plea.

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