Pensions Age editor wins Headline Money award

Pensions Age editor, Laura Blows, has been named Pensions Journalist of the Year (B2B) at the prestigious Headline Money Awards 2023.

The Headline Money Awards aim to celebrate the best in journalism, editorial excellence and skilled communications from the world of financial services media.

Chosen from a "strong shortlist", the judges praised Blows for showcasing an “engaging, accessible writing style”.

“These pieces offer fresh takes on important subjects,” said one judge. “I was particularly impressed with the article about menopause, stuffed with research and fascinating to read,” said another.

Following a period of change and uncertainty in the pensions space, which has made it an incredibly busy and challenging time for pensions journalists, Blows said she was “absolutely thrilled” to receive the honour.

“I am delighted to have won the Pensions Journalist of the Year (B2B) in what is always a very competitive category with many talented journalists," she continued.

“Congratulations to Headline Money on another great event - this award was the cherry on top of a fantastic evening and a great chance to celebrate after a busy week of pension announcements!"

Congratulations from the team here at Pensions Age for a well-deserved win!

Pensions Age would also like to thank Headline Money and the judging panel, and offer congratulations to all the other winners and those named highly commended.

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