River and Mercantile rebrands to River Global

Boutique investment manager River and Mercantile has announced that it has rebranded as River Global.

River and Mercantile was bought by AssetCo last year. Following the purchase, SVM Asset Management, Saracen Fund Managers and Revera Asset Management were all merged under the River and Mercantile name.

Having also bought Indian specialist Ocean Dial Asset Management in October, AssetCo has now moved to rebrand the business again.

The manager says it has simplified and streamlined its business and product offering and the name change better reflects its business model.

River Global manages £2.8bn in assets for a range of wholesale and institutional clients focusing on listed equities.

The investment boutique offers a focused range of investment products investing in UK, European, regional and global equity markets run by a number of industry veterans. As a fund house it employs a value investing approach.

River Global CEO, Alex Hoctor-Duncan, says: “We have strengthened our business through a series of strategic acquisitions and combined some truly exceptional talent under one brand identity. We wanted a new name to signify the company’s future and River Global now reflects this unifying strength and alignment.

"Whilst it hasn’t been an easy 18 months for our industry, we have used that time to consolidate and leverage the capabilities our acquisitions have brought us.

"I am confident that River Global will go from strength to strength, providing top-rated investment products and excellent service to its clients, underpinned by the complementary talents of an exceptional team of portfolio managers."

James Sym leads the River Global team as head of equities. George Ensor manages the UK Micro Cap investment trust, as well as the UK Listed Smaller Companies fund.

On the global front, Graham Campbell, who joined from Saracen, runs the Global Income and Growth fund. SVM’s 17-year veteran, Neil Veitch, manages the UK Opportunities fund.

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