Support for occupational pensions 'critical', new ACA chair says

New Association of Consulting Actuaries (ACA) chair, Stewart Hastie, has emphasised the need for any incoming government to provide ongoing support for occupational pensions and help address the savings adequacy crisis.

Isio senior partner, Hastie was elected as the new chair at ACA's latest annual general meeting, having served on the ACA’s Pensions Scheme Committee for nearly 10 years, as well as serving as the Main Committee honorary treasurer for the past 4 years.

“I couldn’t have picked a more interesting time to take on this role and I’m honoured to be given this opportunity,” Hastie said, arguing that actuaries have a "big contribution" to make when it comes to dealing with the savings adequacy crisis.

“The balance of actuarial pensions work in recent years has been about protecting past benefits," he continued.

“With DB schemes now in a good position and well-funded in the main, actuaries have an important role to play in helping organisations shape future pensions provision to deliver better and more equitable outcomes for their workers and savers.

“I’m looking forward to working closely with our industry partners as we move into a new era of UK pensions.”

Hastie also highlighted the ACA's recent pensions and savings manifesto, which outlined its key recommendations for the political parties on where they should head with any future reforms.

“Then the ACA’s overall goal is to help deliver a sustainable and equitable long-term workplace savings environment: bringing responsible stewardship of pension schemes and promoting joined up policies that help future generations build adequate pensions and savings," he said.

At the AGM, Aon partner, Chintan Gandhi was also re-elected as honorary secretary, with WTW senior consultant, Debbie Webb, elected as honorary treasurer and LCP partner, Steven Taylor, moving to Immediate past-chair.

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