TPR announces interim leadership changes

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has announced a number of interim leadership changes, appointing Neil Bull as interim director of market oversight, Nina Blackett as interim director of strategy, policy and analysis, and Mel Charles as interim director of regulatory compliance.

TPR also confirmed that Louise Davey will continue to be a member of TPR’s executive team, leading the interim regulatory advice and analysis directorate, and continuing as a key spokesperson at industry events.

The appointments were made as part of TPR's organisational changes, after it previously announced the establishment of three new regulatory functions: Regulatory Compliance, Market Oversight, and Strategy Policy and Analysis.

The changes are expected to better align TPR’s structure to its strategic priorities and core functions.

TPR chief executive, Nausicaa Delfas, said: “These appointments are critical in accelerating the shift in our regulatory approach that will help us to protect, enhance and innovate in a changing pensions market, and become a more efficient and effective regulator.”

The interim appointees are expected to be in post whilst TPR recruits for the three permanent executive director roles, with a new microsite launched to encourage applications from both TPR staff and the wider market.

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