Mallet's Mallet returns for year two of the Pension Attention campaign

The Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) and Association of British Insurers’ (ABI) have launched year two of the Pension Attention campaign, with the help of TV presenter, broadcaster and childhood favourite, Timmy Mallett.

Enlisting the support of Mallett’s Mallet and Pinky Punky, the campaign will reboot his popular 80s and 90s game show in order to help capture the public’s attention and ensure savers don’t feel so “bleugh” about their pensions.

Now in the second year of the three-year campaign, efforts are expected to focus on helping savers find lost pensions, with previous industry research suggesting that £26.6bn is currently sat in lost UK pensions.

As part of this, the gameshow directs the public to to find out how they can do ‘The Pensions Playback', which helps savers to identify where they are on their pensions journey, and what they need to do next.

In particular, savers will be encouraged to consider where their pension savings are, what they've got saved today, and what income they could realistically need in retirement.

Commenting on the new campaign, Mallett stated: “I suspect people in their thirties often think about their pension and feel they don’t need to engage, assuming it’s something to address as you approach stopping work.

“But trust me, careers aren’t linear, and you might wake up one morning and suddenly you're 55 and you go, crikey, what happened there?

“Doing ‘The Pensions Playback’ and taking the simple steps to identify where you are on your pension journey will ultimately mean you’re setting yourself up as best as you can for the future.”

Adding to this, ABI long-term savings policy manager, Hetty Hughes, emphasised the power of nostalgia in the campaign.

"By getting Timmy Mallett on board, we’re hoping to engage more people in their current, and past, pensions so they know how their money is building for the future and what they need to do to achieve their retirement goals," she stated. "The Pensions Playback shows just how easy it can be to pay your pension some attention.”

Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) deputy director of policy, Joe Dabrowski, added: “As an industry, we have an important role in lifting savers’ understanding and confidence in their pensions.

"By coming together under a single, brand-agnostic umbrella to promote simple and memorable messages, we can build on the success of last year’s campaign and continue to increase saver engagement in pensions.”

Co-ordinated by the ABI and the PLSA, and funded by a large proportion of the pensions industry, the campaign is also working in partnership with Pensions Awareness Week and National Pension Tracing Day.

The campaign previously enlisted the help of grime artist Big Zuu, who produced a new pension-awareness inspired track and music video to support the campaign.

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