Two weeks left to register for Pensions Age Northern Conference; new speakers announced

There are just over two weeks left to register for the Pensions Age Northern Conference, with two new speakers announced for the conference taking place on 7 June.

Pensions Age is thrilled to introduce BT Pension Scheme (BTPS) head of pension services delivery, Dave Tomlins, and BTPS head of pensions administration strategy, Andy Whitelaw, joining the roster of speakers at the conference.

They join The Pensions Regulator lead investment consultant, Fred Berry, Pensions Dashboards Programme principal and Pensions Policy Institute director, Chris Curry, as well as Capital Cranfield professional trustee and Small Pots Co-ordination Group chair, Andy Cheseldine, and Pictet Asset Management head of multi asset London, Andrew Cole, as speakers.

The one-day conference will be held on 7 June at Park Plaza, Leeds, and is open to pension scheme managers, trustees, FDs, advisers, pension, and HR professionals.

Amid a backdrop of constant change and developments, the event will offer delegates the up-to-date knowledge and guidance they need to help them run their pension schemes and meet their members’ needs, whether in the defined benefit (DB), defined contribution (DC) or hybrid space.

Since the Pensions Age team last visited Leeds, pre-Covid, the world has changed but progress in pensions hasn’t stopped - with pension dashboards and superfunds making progress, growing focus on DC charges and illiquid assets amid the pandemic, and numerous government and regulatory consultations undertaken.

Covering all aspects of pension provision, delegates can be sure that this conference will offer them the updates they need to manage their schemes going forward, as well as highlight new developments in the pension space, in relation to regulation, investment, scheme design, technology, communication and more.

Join us in Leeds to hear from regulators, leading associations, providers, investment specialists and peers, and finally catch up with those friends you have missed. Those interested can register here.

For the latest news and updates about the Pensions Age Northern Conference follow us:
@PensionsAge #PensionsAgeLeeds

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