UCU announces further pension strike ballots

University College Union (UCU) has announced that strike ballots will open at a further 24 universities on Tuesday 7 January.

This means that strike ballots will now close at a total of 36 universities on 28 January.

UCU have today (18 December) warned that this latest round of ballots could see even more universities facing disruption in the new year due to ongoing disputes over pensions, pay and working conditions, with strikes likely in 2020 if the disputes cannot be resolved.

This also follows eight days’ worth of strikes by UCU members at 60 universities between 25 November to 4 December.

UCU general secretary, Jo Grady, stated: “Following sustained strike action at 60 universities this term, ballots will close at another 36 institutions at the end of January.

“This is the time for employers to demonstrate they are serious about wanting to avoid further and even more widespread disruption at our universities.

“We have been clear from the outset that UCU members are prepared to take serious and sustained action to defend their pay and conditions, as well as their pensions.”

The last round of strike ballots, held in early November, saw 79 per cent of participating UCU members voting to back the strike over changes to pensions.

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