USS selects Procentia as new administration platform provider

Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) has announced that it will be moving to Procentia’s pensions administration platform after signing a seven-year contract with the service provider.

The defined benefit (DB) pension scheme is aiming to complete its transition from Capita’s Hartlink by spring 2026.

USS described Procentia, which is part of Brightwell Group and was established in 2002, as a “market leader” in pensions technology and software.

Procentia’s all-in-one cloud-based administration platform, IntelliPen, offers a range of tools, and “significant levels” of self-service and automation.

USS said it provides the features and functionality it needs to deliver and future-proof its ambitions for the levels of service it offers to its members and sponsoring employers.

"Providing the most effective tools and platform to help members engage with their USS pension, so they can plan and prepare for their retirement with confidence, is hugely important,” USS Limited chief pensions officer, Helen McEwan, commented.

“We also want to make it as easy as possible for employers to manage their day-to-day interactions with us.

"The pensions administration platform is fundamental to how we can best serve our members and sponsoring employers and we want to deliver a positive, long-term step-change in the member experience, and drive value.

"We’re confident that, in Procentia, we’ve got the right partner on board to help us achieve our ambitions. We want this to be transformational and are focused on achieving as smooth a transition as possible."

Procentia group CEO, Liam McGrath, added: "We’re delighted that USS, after a rigorous selection process, has chosen to partner with Procentia and use our IntelliPen platform to help fulfil its long-term goals.

“We’re looking forward to delivering a first-class service for their members and employers, and putting security, digitisation and automation at the heart of the journey we’re embarking on together."

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