Looking back: Top 20 most read stories of 2022

This year was not without its challenges, with the pensions industry making national headlines amid market volatility following the mini-Budget, with some commentators raising concerns that defined benefit (DB) pensions could be on the 'brink of collapse'.

Whilst industry experts reassured savers that their pensions remained protected, and many DB schemes reported an improved funding level, inquiries into the liquidity issues faced by schemes have been ongoing, with industry experts predicting a continued evolution of liability driven investment (LDI) and shifting investment strategies for the year ahead.

But it was not issues around LDI that received the honour of top spot in our most read stories for 2022, with focus instead switching to the more recent announcements of the autumn fiscal statement, as the government confirmed plans to retain the state pension triple lock.

Action from The Pensions Regulator (TPR) was also a key theme in our top 20, with updates on the recent prosecution of two fraudsters coming in as the third most read story.

A story that seems to crop up every year, pension tax rumours have once again made it into the top 20, as industry experts urged the government to turn its focus on pensions tax relief ahead of its fiscal announcements.

Our top 20 also included a number of political updates, following the cabinet reshuffles of both Liz Truss and Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, including the departure, and subsequent return of Guy Opperman to the Department for Work and Pensions, and the appointment of a new Pensions Minster, Laura Trott.

Take a look at the full top 20 most read stories of 2022 here:

1. Govt retains state pension triple lock
2. Mini-Budget: Govt to accelerate pension charge cap reforms
3. Pension fraudsters jailed for total of 10 years for £13.7m scam
4. Chancellor urged to review tax and pension thresholds in mini-Budget
5. DHSC reveals new measures to tackle NHS pension issues
6. Opperman leaves role as Pensions Minister
7. Laura Trott named Minister for Pensions
8. 'Disappointment' as High Court dismisses RPI/CPIH judicial review
9. FRC consults on AS TM1 pensions dashboards changes
10. PensionBee accuses several pension providers of abusing new transfer rules
11. Govt confirms delay to NHS Pension Scheme changes
12. USS reveals £1.8bn funding surplus
13. New DB funding regulations signal a 'farewell' to technical provisions
14. FCA launches consultation on DB to DC transfer compensation methodology
15. Union takes legal action against Uber over lack of Sharia pension provision
16. Lloyds pension scheme trustee agrees £5.5bn longevity swap
17. DWP launches consultation on DB funding regulations
18. UK back as 2nd largest pension market; global pension assets hit record high
19. BSPS II to make one-off shared £58m payment to 50,000 members
20. Less than a quarter of people in workplace pensions aware of ESG-related options

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