Irish Pensions Awards 2024 open for entries

European Pensions' annual Irish Pensions Awards is now open to entries for Irish pension funds and providers, with an entry deadline of 12 July 2024.

Now in their 13th successful year, the Irish Pensions Awards has moved to a new bigger venue for 2024, The Round Room at the Mansion House, Dublin, after selling out for the past two years in a row.

The awards continue to go from strength to strength, giving well-deserved recognition to those pension funds, pension providers, advisers and pension professionals who strive to maintain the highest standards of excellence and professionalism in everything they do, despite the challenging economic and political landscape they find themselves operating in.

The awards are free to enter and open to any pension fund or firm that serves Irish pension funds.

Entering the awards is an opportunity to be rewarded for your excellence and professionalism in a period of huge change for the Irish pensions market.

Categories include Irish Pension Scheme of the Year, Best Use of Investment Strategy and Custodian of the Year.

The winners will be announced at a gala dinner on Wednesday 20 November at our gala dinner. The night provides a perfect networking opportunity, whilst individuals enjoy a night of entertainment and celebration.

Join us at the awards and celebrate in style. Early booking is recommended to ensure a prime position in the room.

To enter or find out more about the awards night, click here.

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