Obituary: Fraser Smart

Heywood Pension Technologies CEO, Fraser Smart, has died of cancer.

Fraser was a key figure in the pensions industry, and leaves behind a legacy of “unwavering dedication, strategic brilliance, and compassionate leadership”.

He initially joined Heywood in 2021 as chief strategy officer, before being promoted to the role of CEO in 2022. Prior to this, he was CEO at British Airways Pensions, having also spent many years as a consultant, including as president of Buck Consultants.

Heywood has confirmed that chief operating officer, Sian Jones, has been appointed interim CEO.

Jones stated: “Under Fraser's leadership, Heywood achieved remarkable milestones and forged new paths in the pension sector. Beyond his professional achievements, Fraser's warmth, humility, dry humour, and genuine concern for his colleagues left an indelible mark on the Heywood family.

"He was not only a leader but also a mentor and a friend. Fraser's ability to connect with people on a personal level fostered a collaborative and supportive work environment, inspiring teams to perform at their best.”

Heywood chairman, Chris Humphrey, added: “Fraser has been a remarkable leader for Heywood and will be sorely missed. While Fraser will leave a deep void, we are pleased to have a very strong management team led by Sian.

"The board looks forward to working with Sian in her new role as interim CEO and supporting her and the team as they drive Heywood forward.”

Pensions Age would like to pass on our deepest sympathies to Fraser’s family, and to his many friends and colleagues within the pensions sector.

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