Pensions Minister announced as Pensions Age Spring Conference keynote

Pensions Minister, Paul Maynard, has been announced as the keynote speaker at the Pensions Age Spring Conference 2024.

With the huge number of consultations, industry innovations and pension policy proposals over the past six months, the Pensions Age Spring Conference will offer those involved in pension schemes insightful presentations and Q&A sessions from those working at the heart of UK pension provision.

The one-day conference - which is open to pension scheme managers, trustees, FDs, advisers, pension, and HR professionals – will offer delegates the up-to-date knowledge and guidance they need to help them run their pension schemes and meet their members’ needs, whether in the DB, DC or hybrid space.

Sessions will look at exactly what the Chancellor’s dramatic Autumn Statement announcements mean for the future of UK pensions, how the industry can ensure it is doing the best it can for its members during both the accumulation and decumulation phases, and whether schemes are making the most of the investment opportunities available to them.

The event will be an opportunity to reflect on how well the industry has risen to the challenges thrown up over the past six months, as well as a chance to learn from those pension funds and providers that adapted successfully in order to meet members’ needs, and showcase the products and strategies out there to assist pension funds to fully embrace the future in the best way possible.

Covering all aspects of pensions, delegates can be sure that this conference will offer them the updates they need to manage their schemes going forward, as well as highlight new developments in the pension space, in relation to regulation, investment, scheme design, technology, communication and more.

The event will take place on Thursday 18 April 2024, at the Hilton London Tower Bridge.

Click here to register and for more information.

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