Caroline Siarkiewicz to step down as Maps CEO

The Money and Pensions Service (Maps) has today (5 June) confirmed that its CEO, Caroline Siarkiewicz, will not be taking up a second term.

She is set to step down from the role at the end of January 2024 after four years leading the organisation through a period of significant change.

Siarkiewicz was initially appointed as CEO in January 2020, having been acting CEO since June 2019.

As CEO, she led Maps through the early integration of the three separate organisations: Money Advice Service (MAS), The Pensions Advisory Service (TPAS) and Pension Wise.

Maps also launched its MoneyHelper consumer brand under her leadership, as well as publishing the first UK Strategy for Financial Wellbeing, and expanding the reach of MoneyHelper pensions guidance and Pension Wise services.

The search for a successor is set to commence shortly and will be led by Maps chair, Sara Weller. The appointment will be subject approval from the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.

Maps chair, Sara Weller, stated: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank Caroline for the commitment and leadership she has shown as chief executive. I look forward to taking forward our work together over the coming months.

“Caroline has been a big part of Maps’ story since the beginning but Maps is still a young organisation with a huge amount of potential, and we are now moving into the next phase building on all the hard work Caroline and her team have done over the past four years.”

Siarkiewicz added: “My time as chief executive of the Money and Pensions Service has been truly inspiring and very rewarding. I am incredibly proud of my colleagues and the passion and enthusiasm they show every day in the work we have delivered.

“It has been a huge privilege to work with so many dedicated and experienced colleagues from many organisations across the sectors and together we have made a difference to so many people’s lives.”

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