Sophia Singleton elected as SPP president

Sophia Singleton has been elected as the news Society of Pension Professionals president, succeeding Barnett Waddingham partner, Steve Hitchiner, who has held the role since 1 June 2022.

XPS partner and head of defined contribution (DC) consulting, Singleton advises trustees and corporates across all areas of their DC benefits, with a particular focus on benefit design, investments, member engagement, data analytics and scheme governance.

Her appointment is expected to build on recent SPP successes, as well as help increase the SPP’s profile and influence while aiming to establish the SPP as a champion of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) within the industry.

Commenting on the news, Singleton said: “On behalf of the SPP Council, I’d like to extend my gratitude to Steve for his outstanding leadership of the SPP over the past two years, which has seen the SPP build on its position as a leader and influencer within the industry. I look forward to building on this track record of success during my tenure as president.

“Looking ahead, I will work closely with industry stakeholders and policymakers to stimulate constructive policy analysis and debate to achieve the best possible outcomes for our members.

"In particular, I’d like to focus on ways consumer support and protections can be strengthened to improve DC outcomes, focusing on reviews of auto-enrolment, development of long-term retirement solutions and exploring how to improve investment outcomes, all while ensuring security for DB members remains a priority.

“We will also strengthen our role as a representative of all parts of our industry, engaging with the next generation of industry professionals and championing EDI."

Adding to this, SPP CEO, Fred Emden, said: “Working with Steve for the past two years has been a privilege, and I am immensely proud of what the SPP has achieved during his tenure.

“I am similarly excited for the next chapter of the SPP under Sophia’s leadership. I look forward to working closely with Sophia to achieve her presidential objectives, which will help continue to drive positive change for the SPP and industry.”

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