Brunel Pension Partnership 'accelerates' climate reporting progress

Brunel Pension Partnership has accelerated its reporting progress ahead of the 2024 reporting round, with its latest Climate Change Progress report confirming that it has exceeded the current Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) requirements.

According to the report, Brunel accelerated its reporting progress by operationalising reporting requirements, and its high disclosure level, to ensure it continues to exceed the recommendations of TCFD, which become mandatory for Brunel from 2024.

Brunel also added narrative and context to support its data disclosures, ensuring additional information around the report to better equip its clients in their decision-making.

This was demonstrated in its 2024 Climate-Related Product Report, which showed the information that used to be reported in Brunel’s annual Carbon Metrics Report, in context, with further commentary and supplementary information to probe the data further.

Commenting on the latest reports, Brunel Pension Partnership chief executive officer, Laura Chappell, said: “Climate reporting at Brunel has a dual role – to improve the delivery of our climate ambitions across our portfolios, and to set a standard that resonates across the wider industry. I am delighted to see such rapid progress on both counts in 2024.”

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