Independent Governance Group acquires Clarity Trustees

The newly formed professional pension trusteeship and governance services provider, Independent Governance Group (IGG), has announced the acquisition of Clarity Trustees.

Private equity investor LDC, which invested in Ross Trustees in 2020, provided additional funding to support the transaction and is now the private equity partner of the combined group.

Clarity Trustees founder, Karein Davie, also joined the IGG team as part of the acquisition and will continue to lead work for all her existing clients, bringing with her over 20 years of pensions experience with firms such as PwC, Hymans Robertson and Mercer.

IGG initially launched earlier this year following a merger of Ross Trustees and Independent Trustees Services, with the group's total assets under governance expected to grow further as a result of this latest acquisition.

Commenting on the news, IGG CEO, Andrew Bradshaw, stated: “I am delighted to welcome Karein and her clients to IGG at this exciting time for the business.

"Our team will benefit enormously from her wealth of experience and hands-on approach to professional trusteeship, while her arrival marks an important strategic milestone as we continue to expand our regional presence.

“The economic environment presents new opportunities and challenging headwinds for pension schemes, which makes it even more important that clients benefit from the very best talent and expert support. Clarity Trustees shares our commitment to providing exceptional client service and I am confident that Karein will quickly find a home at IGG.”

Adding to this, Clarity Trustees founder, Karein Davie, stated: “I am incredibly proud of the success Clarity Trustees has achieved and I am delighted my clients will benefit from the greater resource and the diverse range of skills within the IGG.

“My varied career background means I understand the challenges facing those involved in managing pension schemes from all angles, and I am confident that my personalised, client-centric approach will be retained and strengthened within the IGG team.

“It was essential for me to find the right business partner for Clarity Trustees – namely, one that mirrors my beliefs about what schemes and sponsors can, and should, expect from a professional trustee.

"IGG shares the same values and ethos that I feel are essential: prioritising people, the depth of knowledge and expertise available and a real team approach to finding client solutions.”

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