Kent Pension Fund reappoints Barnett Waddingham

The Kent Pension Fund has reappointed Barnett Waddingham's public sector team to deliver actuarial, benefits and governance consultancy services to the fund for the next six years.

Barnett Waddingham was selected following a competitive selection and tendering process.

This reappointment cemented a 14-year partnership that started in 2009 between Barnett Waddingham and the Kent Pension Fund, which is operated by Kent County Council.

Commenting on the reappointment, Kent Pension Fund head, Nick Buckland, said: “We are delighted to be continuing to work with Barnett Waddingham having built up a strong working relationship with Graeme, Roisin and their team over the years.

“Barnett Waddingham’s appointment comes at the end of an extensive procurement process, and I would like to thank the team for the hard work to ensure that the Fund has this key appointment secured.”

Barnett Waddingham partner and head of public sector, Graeme Muir, added that Barnett Waddingham was “very happy” to have been reappointed to the Kent Pension Fund.

“I have personally worked with Kent for most of my actuarial career, and we have built a unique relationship,” he said.

“The fund has grown and evolved over the years but what remains is Barnett Waddingham’s commitment to its guiding principles – to always do the right thing by its clients.

“Kent Pension Fund can be certain of that promise as we start the next part of the journey.”

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