LCP acquires Delta EE as industry net-zero efforts accelerate

LCP has acquired energy consultancy and subscriptions business, Delta EE, for an undisclosed sum as part of its strategy to grow and develop its energy service offering in light of the accelerated transition to a net-zero economy.

The firm highlighted the energy transition as a critical challenge facing the world, emphasising that the energy sector is changing rapidly, with higher demand for more complex forecasting and data-driven decision making.

However, the acquisition is expected to allow LCP and its trading platform, LCP Enact, to benefit from Delta-EE’s energy sector knowledge on consumer markets, local and domestic energy solutions, creating a unique offering for companies within the energy sector, including utilities, operators, traders, investors and manufacturers.

This new development is also expected to strengthen LCP’s core business, by placing LCP at the heart of the energy transition, which it argued was one of the key priorities for both pension funds and insurers.

Commenting on the acquisition, LCP CEO Aaron Punwani, commented: “In recent years, we have been making great strides in growing and developing a diversified offering to our clients.

"Our strategy is driven by a common purpose of delivering solutions, via insight and data analytics, to some of the critical problems facing our world today, across pensions, insurance, investment, energy and health.

“Delta-EE is a well-respected firm with a deep understanding of the energy sector and the quality of their research is second to none.

"Joining forces provides us with a platform to create a world-leading energy transition practice, in addition to strengthening our core business and continuing our mission to make LCP the most exciting and forward-thinking place for talented individuals to work.”

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