Latest LGPS Legal Services Framework launched

The latest National Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Procurement Framework has been launched, with a total of 12 legal firms appointed to the new Legal Services Framework.

This marks the third iteration of a Legal Services Framework, and is designed to help all LGPS Funds, pools, their employers and wider public sector pension schemes access a wide range of reliable, good value expert legal specialists and services.

A total of 12 legal firms have been appointed to the framework, allowing LGPS funds to source a variety of legal services matched to their own requirements, from small one-off pieces of work to longer term, single provider arrangements.

The framework is split into seven different 'lots', including three full service lots, one investment lot, and three benefit administration, employer bodies and governance lots.

In an effort to make the framework as accessible as possible, all users will have free access to the framework, although they also benefit from further benefits, including competitively tendered ceiling prices and supporting documentation.

The 12 providers appointed to the framework are: Addleshaw Goddard, Anthony Collins Solicitors, Brodies, Burges Salmon, Burness Paull, Cleveland & Co, Eversheds Sutherland, Freeths, Gowling WLG, Osborne Clarke, Pinsent Masons, Squire Patton Boggs.

Commenting on the news, West Midlands Pension Fund head of governance, risk and assurance, Rachel Howe, stated: “We are really pleased to launch the latest Legal Services Framework under the National LGPS Frameworks, replacing the previous Legal Framework which provided key support to LGPS Funds, employers and investment pools over the last four years.

“The partnerships created with all parties, including colleagues across the LGPS and the National LGPS Frameworks, suppliers and framework users have been integral to the successful navigation of the ever-increasingly complex legal environment in which we operate and has supported our ability to maintain high standard service delivery to our members and employers.”

Adding to this, Squire Patton Boggs pensions partner, Kirsty McLean, commented: “We’re very pleased to be reappointed to the latest National LGPS Procurement Framework, to support the LGPS on a full range of legal issues. 2023 looks set to be an interesting year for the LGPS. We anticipate no let up in legal work, both investment and governance related.”

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