Pensions Age editor wins WTW DB journalism award

Pensions Age editor, Laura Blows, was among those to scoop honours at WTW's 2024 Media Awards, taking home the defined benefit (DB) Pensions Journalist of the Year award.

Blows commented: “I am delighted to have won in what is a very competitive category with many extremely talented journalists. Congratulations to all the winners and highly commended, and a huge thank you to WTW."

The annually-held awards celebrate excellence in business journalism in areas such as reinsurance, human resources, and pensions, with the awards programme consisting of nine topic-specific journalism categories and two cross-topic categories, all judged by expert panels, which include senior industry figures and leading journalists.

Pensions Age would like to thank WTW and the judging panel, and offer congratulations to all the other winners and those named highly commended.

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