Nest launches mobile app to help members access pension information

Nest has launched a mobile app, Nest Pensions, designed to help members access their pension information from their mobile devices.

It offers a range of features to enhance member experience and engagement with their pension pot.

The key features of the app include the ability for members to instantly check their pension pot balance at any time, a detailed breakdown of contribution sources and amounts making it easier to understand the growth of savings, and the ability to add or manage beneficiaries.

The app also allows members to update personal information and access a secure inbox where members can read and manage messages with updates and communications from Nest on their pension.

Commenting on the app launch, Nest chief customer officer, Gavin Perera-Betts, said: “We are excited to offer our members a convenient and user-friendly way to stay connected to their Nest pension pot.

“With Nest Pensions in their pocket, they will be able to access their Nest pension in the way that suits them best. The Nest app is the first step forward in our digital transformation journey.

“By offering easy and simple access to their pension pot and secure communications, Nest members can take control of their retirement planning with greater ease and confidence.”

This first release is available initially to iOS devices but over the coming weeks, Nest will be making the app available for Android users.

Nest has already planned enhancements to the app including, biometric access, a quick way to pay into a Nest pension pot, and the ability to transfer funds.

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