Obituary: Martin Clarke

The Government Actuary’s Department (GAD) has announced the death of former government actuary, Martin Clarke, after a period in hospital.

Clarke joined GAD in 2014 and was the government actuary until his retirement in November 2023.

In a statement, GAD said that Clarke was a lifelong advocate of the importance of the work of actuaries, believing that their skills and work can help people and governments make better decisions.

Clarke received a Companion of the Order of the Bath in King Charles’ Birthday Honours list in 2023 for his public service.

He began his work in public service in 2006 at the Pension Protection Fund, following an actuarial and general management career within the retail financial services industry.

GAD stated that he steered the department through a period of modernisation, growth and diversification, as well as the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, during his nine years as government actuary, and left the department in a strong position upon his retirement.

Clarke was succeeded as government actuary by Fiona Dunsire, who said: “It was a great shock to us here in GAD to hear the sad news of Martin’s death and his loss will be felt by everyone who knew him in the profession.

“Martin was a leader and innovator here and we see his legacy every day in our work with clients.”

In an interview prior to his retirement, Clarke spoke about his role as government actuary: “I had a little idea of what to expect when I joined. I just didn’t then fully appreciate the extent, nature and reach of the department’s work.

“One of the great pleasures of my role has been seeing and enabling potential to be turned into reality. Be that a project that evolves from a blank sheet of paper to a stunning bit of work for our clients or seeing colleagues develop and flourish in their roles.”

Clarke supported the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Foundation; a fundraising appeal has been set up by his family in his memory, which can be found here.

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