PDP on schedule with pensions dashboards' development

The Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) is on schedule with the development of pensions dashboards against the timetable it set out in October 2020.

In a blog, PDP programme director, Richard James, said that the programme remains “on track” and it expects to have the first users within dashboards later this year.

James praised the data and dashboard providers that had volunteered to work with the PDP, saying the programme owed them a “huge debt”, as with their support it could fully test the technology.

“Their own work is coming along well, and we have established close connections with them that will allow us to move into integration and test with them over the coming months – thereby proving the technology end to end,” he continued.

“As we complete that work later this year, we will accelerate our work to prepare for staged onboarding.

“During that time, we will work with our first consumers to continue improving dashboards themselves, while making sure that our support arrangements and onboarding processes are ready to support the rest of industry as we move into compulsory onboarding.”

With just 12 months until the largest schemes start to onboard to dashboards, James pointed to the Pensions and Lifetime Saving Association’s checklist for schemes to prepare, as well as the PDP’s data providers hub and steps for connection.

“Time isn’t slowing down and neither are we,” James stated. “Given how far we’ve come in the past year, I have no doubt that the programme will have moved on significantly in another 12 months.

“We will be ready. Will you?”

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